Key points

  • We recommend to consult your poison centre with the use of this antidote.
  • The primary survey (evaluation of the airway, the breathing and the circulation) should be prioritized over the administration of naloxone.
  • This monograph do not replace the protocol in force of your institution or professional organization if applicable.
  • Naloxone should initially be dosed cautiously to prevent precipitating withdrawal.
  • High doses naloxone may be required for higher potency opiates such as fentanyl.
  • Pain and other sensory stimuli can stimulate breathing and incorrectly suggest that the effect of the opioid has worn off. Caution is recommended in such cases.
  • All patient who present with opioid overdose should be offered follow up with addictions services and provided with information regarding take home naloxone and safer drug practices.
  • Community pharmacists may be authorized to provide naloxone for the treatment of overdoses in some provinces.

© Centre antipoison du Québec, CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale, 2017. The information contained in this site may be cited, provided the source is acknowledged. Any use for commercial or advertising purposes is strictly prohibited.

ISSN : 2292-230X

Authors: Pursell R, Dubé PA, Elliott A, Friesen M, Gosselin S, Laliberté M, Larocque A,  Letarte A, Mackenzie C, Murphy N, St-Onge M, Thompson M, Yarema M

Last updated : 2024-06-10