A vast territory and a diverse population
The CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale serves the regions of Charlevoix, Quebec and Portneuf. It meets the needs of more than 755,459 citizens who reside in an area of 18,643 km2:
(4%) Charlevoix
(7%) Portneuf
(89%) Quebec
17% of the population is aged 0 to 17, and 21% is 65 and over
To find out more about the health data for this population, consult the report The health of the population of the Capitale-Nationale in brief. (in French only)
The CIUSSS's characteristics
The CIUSSS is the organization with the largest number of employees (over 19,900) in health and social services in the Capitale-Nationale region.
It constitutes a network of excellence in health care and social services, research and teaching, while ensuring the promotion and protection of public health.
It places the user at the center of its decisions and actions.
It brings together 4 research centers and 4 university institutes.
It collaborates with 12 foundations.It is responsible for more than 200 installations.
It provides care and services to the English-speaking community and to the immigrant population in its territory.
It manages an annual operating budget of $ 1.6 billion.
To find out more about the organization,see the Portrait general du CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale. (in French only)