Vaccination is the most effective and safest way to protect yourself and your loved ones against many infectious diseases. Vaccination is offered at several points of service of the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de la Capitale-Nationale.
Vaccination campaign against respiratory infections
The respiratory virus vaccination campaign is designed to offer, free of charge, the flu vaccine and the COVID-19 vaccine to the entire population and the pneumococcal vaccine to certain groups of people.
The flu, COVID-19 and pneumococcal vaccines are recommended for all people at risk of developing complications if they were to contract these viruses and infections.
Making an appointment
- Online : Clic Santé
- By phone : You can also make an appointment by calling 1-877-644-4545 (Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.).
Information on the vaccines
For more information on the respiratory infections vaccines, see the following pages:
Vaccine co-administration
You can get the flu vaccine and the COVID-19 vaccine at the same time, as needed. There is no interval to follow between these vaccines.
The flu and COVID-19 vaccines given at the same time offer the same protection against these infections as if they were given a few days or weeks apart. No specific issue has been reported following administration of these vaccines at the same vaccine appointment.
Similarly, at your vaccination appointment, the pneumococcal vaccine may also be offered to you.