Our bilingual residential and long-term care centre

Established in 1856, Saint Brigid’s Home is a bilingual residential and long-term care centre (CHSLD) for seniors who can no longer live at home.  With 142 beds in private rooms, Saint Brigid’s Home is a unique living environment where each resident receives personalized health care. It is the only public long-term care centre in the Capitale-Nationale region that provides care and services in English and French.

Saint Brigid’s Home has a specialized unit with 11 beds for clients with dementia-related behaviour disorders who require closer supervision. It also has a three-bed multipurpose unit.  

What makes Saint Brigid’s special?

  • A mission entrusted to us by the government to provide long-term care and services to English speakers
  • Nursing services that meet residents’ specific needs
  • Personalized care from an attentive, multidisciplinary team of health professionals
  • A wide range of social and recreational activities (for more information, visit the Wellness Activities page)
  • A dynamic team of volunteers (sign up to volunteer)
  • Active engagement of the English-speaking community
  • A reassuring family environment
  • A chapel with services for a variety of religious denominations
  • Vast and stunning grounds with a garden and patio


About admissions

To live at Saint Brigid’s Home, you must first be assessed by a social worker and a physician. The process is the same for all public long-term care centres (CHSLDs) across Québec. This comprehensive assessment is used to determine whether you are ready to live at Saint Brigid’s Home and, if so, what care you would need.

Assessment requests for French-speaking seniors

People who are more comfortable in French than English should contact the CLSC in their territory to request an assessment. Dial 811 (Info-Santé) for the contact information.

Assessment requests for English-speaking seniors

People who are more comfortable speaking English than French can contact Jeffery Hale Community Services at 418-684-5333, ext. 11805.


The Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ) determines the monthly cost for living in a CHSLD in Québec. For more information, please follow that link: Accomodation in a public facility.

For more information