Contact emergency services at all times

Emergency telephone line 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

This number should only be dialled in an emergency, to receive police, fire, or ambulance services.

When do you dial 911?

  • A person’s life is in danger
  • A person’s health is under immediate threat
  • Someone is in distress
  • You witness a serious accident, fire, or crime
  • A person needs to be transported by ambulance
  • A person needs immediate help and must go to a hospital emergency department

What happens when you dial 911?

The 911 dispatcher asks about the situation and the location of the emergency.

They contact the appropriate emergency services such as the police, fire brigade or ambulance.

Cost to be expected

Ambulance transportation is not a free service. Any ambulance trip is usually billed to the person being transported. However, some exceptional measures may apply.